
I love to write and am dedicating the majority of this site to that very passion. Fantasy is my genre of passion. The world building, language creation, anything is possible environment gets my heart racing and my fingers tapping. Characters who can do the extraordinary yet struggle with the mundane. Characters with passion and a deep desire to do good, though what that means is rarely clear. Characters who face down evil in its every form. Characters who take a passing vision, a scene I can’t get out of my head, and breathe life into it. How exhilarating! Writing is feeling in the deepest sense, facing fears but never alone. Farewell mundane, I’m breathing in life and living it to the fullest.

Living life to the fullest also means there is more than one passion and you will find links to a few other things that fire me up throughout this site.

Thanks for visiting!

Davita L. Freeman's Facebook profile

Picture Credits (I can't draw like this): "Snow Phoenix" by Lauren Bagely; "Pegasus" by baileymcdoogle; "Pegasus" by Cassandra28; "Gryphon" by Shike Rynn; "Blue Phoenix" by Lisa Latasha Herron. All Pictures taken from deviantart.com