So, have I dropped off the face of the earth? It must seem like it. December was positively insane. I was finishing two large papers, fighting a bad cold, and then Christmas in which my grandma came out to stay with me until after the New Year. And January hasn’t started out much slower.

I can happily say I have completed all my work for my MA and am almost official a graduate (just need that pesky paper). Also, I have found a fellowship which I’m starting to get involved in and I am so close to being completely done with my WIP that I can taste it. It’s down to a polish and then the submission package stuff.

For the first time in a long time I actually feel that I can take a deep breath and not just a breath before dropping back into so much stuff it’s amazing I never drowned, but a deep breath followed by a relaxed sigh. In the last 3 weeks I’ve been able to reflect more on my time in China than I had in the last 3 months. The desire to return is even stronger, but the release to return is not quick in coming. I still wonder where I fit and what my ultimate niche is, but I’m beginning to think there are simply some people who are not meant to stay in one comfortable niche forever being stretched and jumping into something different. I don’t know if I have embraced this idea for me, but I am acceptant if that is what the Father has for me.

For now I am going to simply enjoy my freedom and continue to learn to live in the now. Get involved now without worrying about what’s next. Enjoy the simple things like bubble baths and a hyper cat and the freedom to drive where I want and go home when I want. Something waits for me, I’m certain, but I don’t need to know what right now. No, now is the time to finally begin to be restored in the Father’s awesome simplicity. J