January, what a glorious month of settling in, enjoying the freedom only found after finishing classes, and starting to feel at home. And also the month that saw my body on a rollercoaster.

I started the month with ear aches and a mild cold. The ear ache came and went for the next couple of weeks, annoying but not debilitating. The last week of January (last week), I ended up with a massive headache(migrane?  tension headache?) that lasted three days. Just when my head started to feel normal my stomach turned on me and I ended up at home for 2 days curled in the fetal position, eating toast and applesauce. Thankfully my stomach decided it liked me again and I was able to get a few things done (like buy real food) before I was smacked with allergies - you know that feeling when the inside of your ears itch so badly all you want to do is grab a stick and jam it in your ear just for a bit of relief?? I'm there. Plus a soar throat, mild cough, and being completely drug out - Welcome February :p

I am hoping for renewed health for this month and maybe actually getting to enjoy my freedom and tentative settled feeling. And my birthday - I've been sick 2 of the last 3 birthdays. Odds are against me, but I'm hopeful :)