WIPs (Works In Progress)

Glittering Walls: Working title. This project is in the editing phase and has gone through 2-3 rewrites already.

An orphaned slave is stolen from his abusive owners and discovers his magical heritage. Yet evil moves closer, eyes trained on the boy who must trust the words of his dead mother to protect his new world and friends.

     Chapter One

     Drawings/Visual Inspirations

     Musical Inspirations


Before Dusk: Working title. This project is in the 1st draft and planning phase.

A cursed orphan journeys across a magical island with the aid of two powerful, yet hurting faeries, in search of freedom from the evil within her. While battling for her life and protecting the entire island, she discovers unconditional love.

     Chapter One: words in brackets means I haven't created those words    yet... this is draft one ;)

     Drawings/Visual Inspirations

     Musical Inspirations