Since my last post I’ve been through the gamut emotionally but am now moving in a healthy direction. I am practically content for the first time in months. I am involved in a small group, helping my fellowship with overseas work, am looking at a week in the Philippians to help build a fellowship and I’m days away from the writing conference. This state has allowed for me to more clearly see areas I need to change in, such as finances, and to more adequately take steps to grow in these areas.

None of this to say my life has become perfect, but I am content where I am and with what I am doing. I am listening to the Father’s guidance for growth (one thing at a time). And I’m not dancing on the edge of depression right now.

Maybe it’s the seasons, maybe it’s the help I’ve had recently or maybe it’s a change of mind set which has made me feel that the Father is close to me. I’ve known it in my head all along, but I’ve really struggled to feel it for the last year and a half. I held to the knowledge that He would never leave me nor forsake me, that He wouldn’t be done with me until He took me, but the knowledge couldn’t creep into my wayward feelings until now.

Now one of my greatest struggles is my writing. I keep writing but the words have been falling flat, lifeless. I think I really need to sit down and focus on each scene, the depth of emotion in them and allow myself to feel them. I have been learning how to leave crazy emotions behind better and I guess writing is a good exercise for that. A little scary though when you’re writing a scene where the character literally faces death – and then dies. Or another with a child so lonely they run from anyone who speaks to him. So much pain, fear… scary emotions in my opinion, but necessary in writing and common in life.

I’m hoping the conference this week will help me breathe life back into my scenes and my pen and continue to help me refine my craft as well as my focus. Let my eyes be on the one who is always with me, who’s hand covers mine and who’s breath fills my soul. Now to just get the breath onto the page.

The year has come and gone and for the first calendar year in quite some time, I’ve actually staid in one spot. This should cry stability and contentment but even the switching of calendars cannot achieve this. Staying in one place does not always make one any happier than constant moving. Obviously, it’s a state of mind – and mine isn’t so content.

This is not to say that I dislike my job, the city I’m living in or even the basic structure of my life. However, I am missing something. What this is, I’m not completely sure yet but I know in the last few months I have struggled to ignore the growing discontentment within me.

A few months ago, I truly could not handle the discontentment and had all the symptoms of an emotional breakdown, though only in certain areas of my life. I am very good at compartmentalizing it seems. I can figure out some of what caused the break at that point including loneliness and, especially, feeling that I should have fully adjusted to the US after more than a year back. But I haven’t. Not completely. My inability to meet personal expectations is often a strong factor in my mood swings and general discontent. I should be perfect… or at least close (Stop laughing at the crazy person).

Since recognizing my slipping emotional state, I have done what I’m good at – walls. For two months, I have been living fairly emotionally void. I know this is not ideal but I guess I’m not quite able to figure out how to handle the irrational emotions or change my situation.

I’ve had the irrational desire to just up and move – anywhere. A case of running away from problems, I think. I’ve resigned myself to many things in my life and am trying to learn to be content with them. Some are better than others, like singleness, it’s not so bad and I think I might like to keep it for quite some time. Loneliness is another matter, though; as is the insane desire to be truly perfect on this earth.

I’ve been doubting my purpose and path and wondering if the Father even wants to use me anymore. I’m awfully messed up and not positioned very well to be of much service.

And in all of this, I recognize that I am living in defeat and deceit because I know the Word. I know the Truth but I cannot seem to “feel” it. Emotions are truly deceptive and need to be controlled. How, I’m not so sure.

The last few days I’ve been focusing on just a few things to try and get my mind in a better place and keep my emotions in control without being completely void of them.

First of all I know that I am able to live in the Freedom of the Son who continues to love me, pursue me, and mold me even when I sit down and cry like a toddler.

Second, if I constantly question my path and position I will never accomplish anything even little. I must continue forward in faith and contentment keeping my ears tuned to the whisper of my Shepherd for any changes. I must focus on my relationship with Him and do what He has placed in front of me until He says otherwise.

Third, I need help. I know this is not something people love to admit and me least of all but I am not able to move past some of my issues on my own. I cannot reach out for help or even friendship without sabotaging myself. So I am looking into mental health options in my town (Book-based) to help me get past some of the road-blocks that I continue to trip over year after year. Finances would be a struggle with this, of course, but as the Father guides each tentative step I am certain something will change…eventually. This I cling to, this I chant in the depths of night, and this I know is true because He has not forgotten me.