Written Feb 2, 2009

It probably seems that I've dropped off the face of the earth, especially with my writing. Wasn't one of the reasons I returned to the states to write?? That's what I keep telling myself, but moving, grad work, and just settling into life seems to be pulling me by the hair away from what I want to do.

However, this does not mean I've done nothing. No, on the contrary, I completed my edits to my WIP and have a Creative Writing major in college looking it over. I have all the parts ready to submit to ABNA (tonight) and I'm saving money toward paying an editor to go through my WIP and take it from good to great.

There is a sense of accomplishment just getting something finished and into other hands. I know it is the strongest piece I've written yet, though I don't think it is strong enough to sell... not yet, at least. I am starting to understand the importance of walking away from a piece though, take a week (or four) and do nothing related to a project and not only will you see errors you were blind to before, but you will also have a renewed love interest in the work, rather than tired annoyance.

With my WIP in the hands of another I've started outlining another manuscript. It is connected to the WIP I just waved good-bye to so I may not do much with it for a week or so. Just let it marinate and maybe explore completely different ideas as well. I've had many, but none of them make my blood race and keep me awake half the night as the characters, world and over arching plot of Isaiah and his friends. Maybe I need to learn how to fall in love with several ideas, acknowledging my passion for all, but bouncing between them for actual work. I just have to convince my heart it really isn't cheating, it's more like having three or four children, not three or four husbands. ;) I think that might be my next writing goal - have 3 ideas for 3 unconnected books that I fall in love with. This might be a struggle, but I'll let you know how it goes.


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